Service Level Objectives
What is a Service Level Objective?
These are 1310s targets for overall service availability and how we respond to faults. We are completely transparent on our network availability, and you can see current and historic availability on our Status Site.
Network Core
We target 100% availability on our core network. This is measured with probes out in the wider Internet being able to ping core routers in our network and receive a response. Availability of our core network is reported publicly and in real-time automatically on our Status Site.
Business Dedicated Fibre Leased Line
If you have a Business Dedicated Fibre Leased Line service from us then you will be provided with a specific phone number to use in the case of an outage. You can raise a fault with us at any time by phoning that number and we aim to respond back to you within an hour. We target a fix for outages in 4 hours outside of “acts of god” scenarios such as flooding. Each time we contact you to keep you informed on fault progress you will also be given a maximum time until you can expect to receive the next update.
Fibre to the Premises, Fibre to the Cabinet, and other “broadband” services
For our broadband services you can contact us any time through our customer portal, or if the problem is urgent then by phoning our regular number. We aim to respond to you same day. We aim for a fix within 4 working days.
Are there any guarantees? What if I want something more?
We have options to offer enhanced service levels on all of our services. Please contact us if you’d like to discuss faster repair times, guarantees, dedicated support workflows, or anything else.